john coltrane digital??????

i'm wondering what's the best John coltrane music in the digital format?

Showing 1 response by kublakhan

there are some coltrane SACDs out now and more coming. "Love supreme" is on sacd and it's very good. The mofi 'giant steps' is also great as sternart wrote. the johnny hartman sounds very silky but i'm not crazy about the music.

there are also some japanese 24bit recordings out. they often sound better in my system than the 20 bit but sometimes can be bright. here's a list of 24 bits i know they have because i bought them - all are worth listening to:
live at the village vanguard again
crescent (the 20 bit sounds better to me though) and has more tracks.
africa/brass (same as above)
Love supreme (better on sacd)