JM Reynaud Magic Stands V1 versus V2

Would anyone know if there is a sonic difference between the 2 versions of JMR's Magic Stands???

Thank you


Showing 2 responses by dekay

This is copied from the JMR website (Bliss Jubilee info page)...

"In order to optimize its performance in terms of bandwidth and sound image, it should be associated with the Magic Stand II."

This said, I preferred my Reynaud Twins MkII with 29" Target HR stands VS the 24" Magic stands.



Yes, obvious.

I didn't try the Magic Stands @ home until months after I owned the Twins.

I did audition them with the MS's and they sounded great in the dealers very nice/purpose built listening room.

The heavy Target stands in my setup offered extended bass and an increase in overall detail (exactly what the MS's are said to offer per online reviews/comments).

This said, I only spent a few hours with the Magic Stands and they did not have spikes (the owner had placed small hard rubber squares on the bottoms).

