Jimmy Fallon has a Mcintosh turntable

He showed it last night on his cell phone. He was playing a picture disc of Barry Manilow.


Showing 3 responses by lewm

Isn't the Mc turntable essentially a re-branded and re-packaged version of someone else's turntable?  Can't remember what brand and model, but I don't think Mc developed the thing from scratch.

Mordante, Point well taken.  I am an American. I do know who these people are, and they are not important.  You're not missing anything. I like Henry, though.

Sumiko Blue Point?  With that other megabuck gear? Blecchhh.
I guess I don't know my way around Clearaudio TT's, but why would upwards of $8K be good value for the M10?  I guess because you get a tonearm and cartridge too.
Dover, Nice to know I am so important to you that you crawled all the way over here to insult me on another thread.  The moderator will later probably remove this post, but he ought also to consider removing your posts from this and the DD thread, since your agenda is "anti-DD", not constructive ideas or even constructive criticism.