Jerome Sabbagh KIckstarter for new LP "No Filter"

If any of you jazz vinyl (or CD or hi-rez) guys (or gals) are interested in some TERRIFIC jazz music, please go to the Kickstarter page for Jerome.

His last album "The Turn" was absolutely wonderful.

Highly recommended!
@mofimadness just seeing this, thanks a lot! Glad you like it.

FYI, the record is still available on my website.

Jerome Sabbagh
Finally got around to listening to this.  Marvelous!  I'm really got a jazz guy per se, but this is truly excellent.

Jerome did a fantastic job on this album and the pressing and sound quality show it.

The Absolute Sound just did a great review of this.

Highly recommended!!
Thanks a lot @rshak ! Glad you like the record. R2R is 2 track. Just in case, I PMed you the prices for R2R, I'm not sure I'm allowed to put them on this thread.


Jerome - love your record very much.  R2R?  Assume it's 2 track(?)
Good luck - but if the price is anywhere close to what APO is charging for its r2r offerings (wonderful though I'm sure they are), I'm not a player.

Hope to see - er, hear - more of your art on LP!
Jerome - love your record very much.  R2R?  Assume it's 2 track(?)
Good luck - but if the price is anywhere close to what APO is charging for its r2r offerings (wonderful though I'm sure they are), I'm not a player.

Hope to see - er, hear - more of your art on LP!
Glad the albums got there OK. I hope you like the music and the sound. Thanks for your support! I’m grateful for the support on this board. Any and all feedback welcome.

Also, due to demand, if anyone is interested, I’m trying to make the album available on R2R. Please PM me if interested.


Jerome Sabbagh
Mine arrived today.  Listened to Side 1 - - most excellent performance and sound. On to Side 2 later this evening.
Got mine today!  Haven't had a chance to clean it and listen, but will as soon as I can.
Hi everyone,

Just a quick note to let you know that I finally have the vinyl for "No Filter" (several rounds of test pressings later). I'm pleased with the results and they are in stock on my website now.

Thanks for your support!
Jerome Sabbagh
This is Jerome Sabbagh writing. Thank you both so much  for the support!

While I’m really psyched about the support in general, I wanted to clarify that even though we made our goal on Kickstarter and the project is definitely moving forward, we are not even close to breaking even yet and welcome everyone’s support still. The real budget is about $18500. The Kickstarter is still online for 14 days:

Thanks a lot for backing us! I hope you’ll be pleased with the new record. We just got the first mastered track back from Bernie Grundman and it sounds incredible, even though it’s “just” 96/24. We can’t wait to hear the vinyl!

Yeah, just got an email saying that the project has been funded in just 5 days!  Way to go guys!

Can't wait to hear this LP.
Well, looks like he made his goal of $10,000 - - with 25 more days to go.

I own Sabbagh's first LP, like it and signed up for this release.  Hope he makes his funding goal.