Jena cables

Has anyone tried them out recently? They are highly touted. Compared against Nordost and Synergistic?

Showing 3 responses by tekunda

Since I am a audiophile myself first and foremost and not a cables salesman and since I have had the chance to listen to above mentioned cables, I think I can post my personal findings here.
First of all, we need to make clear what line of cables we talk about.
All the mentioned cables companies have a broad range of a cables from entry level to top performance level.
Which ones are we comparing here? If somebody says they are better than the Valhalla, which of the Jena Labs line did he compare it to?
I think that he did not mean the Jena Symphony line of cables, since this is Jena Lab's medium line. There is still two more lines of cables to the top.
In my opinion, the mid-level Symphony Jena wire does not hold a candle against the Valhalla, or top Synergistic Research Designer's reference.

I think that the $3000 Valkyre comes close to the Valhalla and the $6000 Pathfinder can be the better cable in some systems. I would say that the top Synergistic Designer's reference has not the famed Valhalla performance. Its lacking some of the incredible details of the Valhalla.
So depending which of the Jena labs cable we speak here, if someone has deep pockets, he can get Valhalla or better performance with Jena Labs cables. But that means to buy the Valkyre or Pathfinder line of cables.
I believe that the Jena Symphony line is like Nordost's Quattro Fils cables.
The opinions about the Jena Labs Valkyre, really besting the Valhalla cables, are divided, but at least pricewise they come very close.
When I set out on my cable quest, even $3000 for a pair of interconnects was kind of expensive and I was searching for this special brand of cables, delivering what I called "Valhalla" performance for around $1000.
As far as I know there is only one brand in existence , wich can claim to deliver this gigantic price-performance ratio.
If people on the other hand rather buy emotions, they have a whole selection of even more expensive cables to choose from, like Siltech G5, Silversmith Palladium, Kharma etc.
But I am much more concerned about performance.
Jfz....I never said that I have owned the Jena Labs cables, but since I started to sell the HMS cables, I am meeting quite a few people outside of the AA and Audiogon forums.
I live in Key Largo, which is one of the holiday spots in the US, so people come from all over the world to fish and dive. Also, Miami, which is one of the great metropolitan areas of this world, is close by, so quite a few people have asked me, if they could come and visit me in my home, to see if it is only hype what I say about the HMS cables, or if I am for real and the HMS cables are really this great performers for such a low price.
And quite a few guys bring their personal cables along, for a little private shoot-out and I haven't changed the set up in my system for quite a while now. So the conditions have been the same for all cables.
Is anybody here willing to also compare the HMS versus any of the Jena Labs cables? You can email me, if you want to discuss the details of such a shoout-out.