Jeff Rowland Continuum?

What is the word on the Continuum 250/500.
"Jeff Rowland is so tubelike"

That may be exactly the problem Keithr. The above statement is but an urban legend that it is bound to create false expectations among some audiophiles. I am personally very fond of the sound of recent highr end Rowland offerings, but would not qualify its refined neutrality as 'tube like' at all. The other urban legend is of course that class D amplifiers are somehow "digital". Actually, they are not. . . they are analog devices. G.
9000 for a digital integrated? seems overpriced to me.

i also think a zillion people rushed into these things as "Jeff Rowland is so tubelike" and discovered the reality.
Audiofeil is a dealer. He chose not to not disclose that fact in his unexpanded "It's overpriced" statement.

What Audiophile is really not writing is "I don't sell Rowland gear. If you buy it, I won't make any money from you. Instead, buy my products. Obviously, none of the products I sell are overpriced. You can trust me..."
Take his comment in this context please. It is a self-serving, camouflaged advertisement for his business.
Hi Husk01, I just posted an update to the Criterion thread.

Hi Bill, C500 being overpriced is an interesting hypothesis. Its cost is roughly equivalent to a pair of the also excellent Bel Canto Ref 1000 Mk.2 monoblocks plus a capri linestage. It would be very interesting to conduct a side by side analysis. . . hmmm, I should find a way to make it happen. Guido
One thing to bear in mind with Continuum is that unless you break it in by letting it make music for about 500 hours (that's about 3 weeks solid), it will not sound at its best. . . until it is completely broken in, you may experience it to be slightly dry, with somewhat less than silky treble, and with only moderate soundstage and imaging. Let it break in properly, then you will be able to decide if the C500 is for you or not. Guido
What would you like to know in particular? Besides C250 being based on 500ASP modules and C500 on the 1000ASP module, the C500 also contains a bank of bulk output caps that yield enhanced dynamics, as well as a 1500W input current rectifier based on Power Factor Correction (PFC) which is expected to yield greater musical subtlety. IMO, C500 may be overall a better value than C250. Both units contain a Capri linestage card, which is in my experience a marvellous device by itself. Hope this addresses at least some of your implied questions. Guio