Jeff Rowland 8T with Wilson Sasha w/p?

Considering a pair of Sasha's and wondering how my old, robust Rowland 8T will hold up? Any Rowland/Wilson combo users out there?

Showing 3 responses by daveyf

Aldenberry, the 8T is IMHO still among the best available ss amps out there.
I use a 8 with choke and top plate mod and I have AB'ed it against BAT, Edge,
Mod Wright, Naim, Krell and Levinson ss amps and it has bested all in my system.
The 8T should have no problem driving Sasha's as they are a fairly easy load
for a ss amp.
Ebm, I agree that the model 8 is a wonderful amp. Have you tried your Mini 2's with a tube amp? I think that a tube amp can give you a different 'presentation' if you will, that is very pleasing with speakers like the Minis. I love my 8 with my Sonus Faber GH's but also am amazed at what a tube amp can bring to the table. Both amps ( Rowland ss and in my case ARC tubes) are a real pleasure to listen to. Great and different.
Ebm, I discovered that one can get away with a smaller output tube amp if one has inefficient speakers. ( which is what it sounds like the Mini 2's are)
and you have a small room. My GH's are also pretty inefficient, BUT my ARC with 60 watts/ch has plenty of drive in my very small room. If your room is also small/smallish, you may be able to get away with less power also.