JBL L100 Classic 75's - Thoughts, Impressions, Serial Numbers

Hey everyone,

I recently took delivery on a pair of JBL L100 Classic 75’s. I love the look of these and what I’ve been able to experience so far. This is the first pair of JBL’s I’ve owned in my audio journey. Most of my time in the hobby has been with smaller bookshelves plus a sub (2.1). I was curious who on the board has a pair of these and what your thoughts were? How do they compare to other speakers you’ve had? Also curious what serial numbers are out there.I’m in the US and my pair is pair #264.



Showing 6 responses by willg1985

Thanks! I'm really excited about them. These don't seem this way to me but I am moving in 2 weeks so we'll see what the new room does. I'm really just trying to run them in right now as I don't want to waste time on placement and tweaking knowing it would be so temporary.

I've spent about a week with them (100ish hrs) and think that they are incredible. They seem to keep getting better and better. 

That's awesome @nonoise! I may try that down the road. I still feel like I haven't gotten to hear mine yet. I took delivery on them and didn't worry too much with placement etc because we were moving, we moved, took me a while to get everything situated and now, I have a ear infection haha. Really looking forward to getting in to these soon though. 



I absolutely love mine. They really shine with quality gear behind it and at medium listening levels IMHO. Best speaker that I've ever owned.

Awesome @audiomaxi. Glad to hear that you are liking yours as well. I recently upgraded the jumpers on mine and am really happy with it. Cheers and happy listening!

@audiomaxi - I am using the Nordost Norse 2 (https://tmraudio.com/accessories/speaker-cables/nordost-norse-2-bi-wire-jumpers-set-of-4/). It wasn't for a better or more secure connection, but rather to upgrade from the stock plates. I'm not great with the audio descriptors but it definitely has improved the sound. I feel like there is more instrument separation and clarity with these. Happy listening!