JBL 100 Classic or Klipsch Heresy III?

Looking for any opinions on these two options being driven by a PrimaLuna Prologue Classic integrated in a smallish listening environment (approx. 13” x 14.5” end of an open floor plan space which goes right into a kitchen/minuscule dining area...Speakers have to go on the long wall and can have the benefit of close wall boundaries but not corners.). Listening tastes are all over the map with emphasis on mainstream Rock/Pop and Jazz/Blues but, on any given day, Stravinsky or Steeleye Span might be on the turntable. Thanks in advance.

Showing 3 responses by wolf_garcia

2 entirely different animals there...the Heresy IIIs are extreme efficiency (99db) horns with no low bass (I own a pair and use 2 REL subs with 'em as they go down to about 58hz before the bass drops off...the bass they do put out is very accurate though), and the JBLs are 90db and more "normal" but twice as expensive as the Heresy IIIs. Heresy IIIs do seem to like boundaries as that reinforces the bass, and since they use horns they project away from the box to minimize room issue in the upper frequencies. Note that all of this requires listening to the things someplace as your ears are what matters, and note that at 4 grand for the JBLs you can look at a myriad of speakers that would also work great. Good luck!

Or you may like the horn speakers even more over time, as I have. An audio geek friend was visiting today and hadn't heard my system since I added a little SE Dennis Had tube amp and Heresy IIIs...he's the guy who turned me on to my (previous faves) Silverline Prelude speakers which he still uses (by the way, GREAT speakers)...he was amazed at how immediate, coherent, and great sounding the Heresy IIIs are, and agreed that they seem to be a bargain relative to what's out there (Or he thought they sucked and was just trying to be nice). Note that Forte IIIs cost about the same as the JBLs so that makes at least a monetary comparison relevant, and I'd bet a side by side comparison of those 2 items would be interesting. I think the utter retro vibe of the JBLs foam grills is pretty cool, and wonder if they made those out of something that won't disintegrate like the originals all did...seemingly all at the same time...I stuck a finger through one of the older versions creating a little pile of orange dust in a friend's place once...oops...my bad...
Note that Heresy III owners lives are generally transformed with slight growth spurts and reversal of hair loss...their kids somehow get into better schools, and don't get me started about scratch-off lottery tickets...