Jazz at the Pawnshop

Can anyone out there tell me if the XRCD version of this great piece of music is worth the additional money. It is out there on many different versions of cd. ( reg. gold,HDCD, XRCD) All opinions are welcome.

Showing 2 responses by praudio

No contest, the regular one over the gold plated:BUT NOT ALL REGULAR ONE!only the sweden version .Same for Cantate Domino.
Kelly,it's sure the master is the same,but quality of support is not(aluminum sheet"Alcan,Alcoa,Reynold",plastic"Dupont,Alcatel,Basf" and finally the pressing robot itself is certainly not exactly the same model and brand name all around the world since the first CD around 1983" For these reasons my 4 regulars (from 4 country) aluminum sound different and my sweden copy is the best and not by a nose.