JAYS Audio transport upgrade?

I have a JAYS Audio CD Transport mk2...An upgrade is available for about $1,000. There is no way I'll ever get to listen and compare a mk2 vs. mk3. Any experience with these transports, is it worth the $?


Showing 4 responses by stuartk



You’re asking about upgrading cdt2mkll to cdt2mklll, right?



Ask Todd at TEK Audio. He is a straight shooter. 



Excellent advice but not all gear is available from sellers who offer trial periods/return policies. I normally don’t buy anything I can’t demo at home and return if necessary but sometimes this just isn’t possible. I bought my Jay’s CDT2MKIII without a return option and have been very pleased with it.


FWIW, I’ve found Todd very responsive to emails. 



Makes sense, at that price. For more cash, Bricasti, Aqua and Gryphon make very fine transports that might beat it, in some ways. It's a moot point, however, as far as I'm concerned. They're all too expensive for me! My CDT2MKIII is just fine for my needs.