Jay's "Ugly Truth" video


Why does this get mentioned so rarely? 

I've experienced the "dark side" and have never had the means to afford gear that's remotely close to the level that Jay focuses on. 

What about you -- can you relate or have you always been able to maintain a healthy balance and avoid being overtaken by obsession? 


Showing 1 response by akg_ca

Sorry mate but I don’t drink any of his KoolAid with his overblown exaggeration and misguided hyperbole at best. . These is just another lame YouTube blogger airing his own obsession sufferings in the public forum for unknown personal reasons . . Yep… they DO walk among us .

To suggest that progressive audio equipment outlay or striving to an ascending wish list to recreate a better “perfection” audition performance, is a harbinger for a dark “obsession”, or an impairment risk to one’s personal life and marriage , is ridiculous. Only a moron could or would succumb .

Our forum common bespoke indulgence is just a a simple esoteric hobby to best enjoy the music performing arts as best as we can. A fine system can stir the heart and trigger an emotional response. A better performing system can do it better.
The Holy Grail in this hobby is to nobly ascend as close as possible to recreating a live performances in your own domain.

MY TAKE: If one’s circumstances permit this music appreciation to indulge into an oxygen-breather’s equipment/ system strata in …. Bravo ! Carry on , sir! It’s worth it
Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”