Jay’s Audio CD Transport

I’m just curious if anyone has been able to see the black version of either the Jay’s Audio CDT2 or CDT3 in the flesh?

I haven’t been able to see either in person as of yet, but all of the photos I see are usually of the silver version. 

Im wondering what you have thought of the finish quality of the black vs the silver version. 

I ask as my other components are black and I’m just trying to decide which color to go with. 

Thank you and best wishes to you all,



Showing 4 responses by jackd



I own both a CDT2 and a CDT3 both in black and the finish is first rate. 


I enjoy them both and as previously mentioned they are built like a tank.  Unfortunately the CDT3 Mk3 is noticeably better but for the price it should be.  With equal source material it still bests my Auralic Aries G2.2 streamer.  You would be happy with either one. 



The combination of the more elaborate power supply and the upgraded drive unit give the CDT 3 Mk 3 a "bigger" sound. Fuller, deeper bass and "meatier" midrange come to mind off the top of my head. The CDT 2 Mk 3 is a great unit and if you don’t listen to it side by side with the CDT 3 in the same system you would be more than happy with it. Also I've tried upsampling with both units and it's just not for me.  I prefer the sound of the original sampling rate. 


I think what Todd is saying is that if you have the option to do it at both the source and DAC level don't do both. In your case with the Aero your only option to upsample would be with the source so try it and see if you like it.