Jan Allaerts Cartridge Experience?

I've heard some good things about the Jan Allerts MC1B and MC1B Mk II cartridges . These seem pretty rare and there seems to be limited fedback on them.

Do any of you have direct experience? If so how do they compare to other top cartridges, e.g., Zyx, Lyra, Dynavector, Koetsu, Clearaudio?

Thanks for the feedback.

Showing 3 responses by ebarker2

Of course its so much a matter of personal taste, but I've had the MC1B and the MK2 (usually on Schroeder DPS), and I find them outstandingly musical and involving. I'm not too happy comparing, but for me they are in a slightly different class to most other cartridges. I've had the Insider on same system, and I liked it a lot. Now i'm running an Urushi while I wait for the MC2 Finish to arrive. Not the same thing. Not by a long way. There are a lot of really excellent cartridges these days, but the Allaerts are something very special.
Thanks Raul. I'm having a hard time waiting, and I pester Jan far too often. Meanwhile i've had my Tom Evans Groove Plus changed to 845 ohms, and i'm trying to find out if there's a good step up transformer that will work with the cartridge as well, into a valve MM phono i've got coming. I've heard that this is a step too far for a step up. What do you think?
Sirspeedy I'm in a rush so cant give an extensive comment but I find the Allaerts MC2 Finish is truly an exceptional cartridge. Properly set up, and with a good phonostage (it wants 845ohms mostly) the results are thrilling and astounding. A remarkable cartridge by any standards. I would add its also very sensitive to set up - especially VTF, where it doesn't tolerate any variance off 1.8gms. It brings out a lot more detail than the MC1B MK2, and a little more surface noise. The only other cartridge i've heard that seems of the same quality (and could be even more amazing actually, though its very different) is the Kondo Io-J. But of course the best Dynavector, Univ, Miyabi are all excellent cartridges too. I had got fed up with waiting so long, but in the end it was more than worth it. Now i'm very keen to hear the Formula 1.