James Gang Reunion

I just got tickets for the NYC show of the James Gang Rides Again Tour. Has anyone seen the reunited James Gang yet. I'm almost as excited as I was for the Cream reunion.
Have any of you commenting on the James Gang been to the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland? I went once and was pleasantly surprised with the quality exhibited. They said to allow for about 1 1/2hour to get through the joint but my wife and I were there for nearly 5 hours and still need more time to thoroughly absorb it all. Fantastic!

Ohio does rock!
great music....bad management.....CLEVELAND ROCKS....dead boys, pere ubu, blue ash, the choir, the ohio players, the music machine, the ohio express, sacred mushroom, pure prarie league, the isley bros, bootsy, the royal crescent mob,tin huey, rachael sweet, chrissie hynde the waitresses ....guess ohio rocks in general.
The Dome, The Loft, The Raven, The Ratskeller, Big Daddy's no it was at JB's... Eric Carmen (Rasberries) was playing... during a break Joe Walsh and friends picked up the Rasberries insturments and did an improptu set and left...
Joe Walsh is excellent in concert. A James Gang reunion would be fabulous to see. With the Eagles I found that Walsh stayed rather reserved. He can really kick it out though. Truly great guitar player, very good singer, and quite talented writer. Wish I could make it. Those who do should have a ball.

I had a rare opportunity to see Walsh come up on stage for a couple of guitar duos with Steven Stills at a Stills concert in a smallish club in LA back in the 70's. Those two did serious harm to their guitar strings that night. Wow!

I became a James Gang fan back in the 70's when they were regularly playing the club scene at Kent State (J.B.s and Water Street Saloon), Cleveland (The Agora), and in Youngstown (at a club on the southside). Back then, before the disaster at Kent State, there was something called the Northeast Ohio band contest. J.G. took first place two years in a row right near the time they released their first lp.

I had more than one drink with Walsh during breaks and after the J.G. performances. Sat with him backstage and played harp along with some acoustic guitar playing he was doing to entertain a couple of the girls that he invited backstage that particular night. Walsh was always focused, truly serious about the quality of the performance, generous, a genuinely good person, and liked having lots of fun (lots of fun!).

I remember him showing me that device he supposedly created which was connected to the guitar but "operated" with one's mouth. I still am not sure what its called or if Joe Walsh was really the inventor. Lots of guitarists have used it since such as Frampton (especially on the "Comes Alive" recordings) among others.

The quality of the talent in NE Ohio at the time is still mind-boggling for me to ponder even today. I have since lived in larger cities such as LA, NYC, Phil, + Balt. but have never seen such talent jammed in one place.

James Gang, Glass Harp with Phil Keaggy, Raspberies, Lemon Pipers, Rick Derringer, Michael Stanley Band, to name but a few of the "better knowns". Todd Rundgren was also playing this tight circuit between Detroit and Youngstown at the time. He was quite a hit in Cleveland and Akron.

Keep on playing Joe!
I am going hoping to hear The James Gang version of the Buffalo Sringfield song "Bluebird" off their first album. I also see an Atlantic City show was added to the tour.
I saw Joe Walsh two years ago with the Eagles, even though I'm not a huge Eagles fan, at the Concord Pavillion (now called something else) in Concord, CA and they played a couple of his tunes, including Turn To Stone and Rocky Mountain Way. I have to say I was entertained. His voice was in excellent form and his guitar playing was still the same Joe. Their version of Hotel California, especially in that setting at just about dusk, was memorable.

i saw'em too right after 'rides again came out in Columbus......a great band......now that Raspberries are back together....where are the McCoys, Glass Harp and The Michael Stanley Band(i will swear on a good night msb made the e street band look like sha na na)...lets rock!
Wow that should be a great time; last time I saw Joe Walsh, Dale Peters and Jim Fox was back in 1970 at Kent State. Talked with Dale Peters after the show; he's an interesting person.
Not yet,is there a recording out because I heard they are in the studio. I would go and see them in a small venue. Where is the show in N.Y. just curious.