
I ordered a pair of Jade Audio cables (Vermeil version, not the Golden one) from Audiogon member Jadem6, who offers a one month return guarantee.

I was wondering wether other Audiogon members already tried and/or bought these new DIY cables.

I read the review made by JD himself, but ofcourse I'm curious to hear the comment of buyers/users.


Showing 7 responses by jadem6

Hi John M.

I think John F. is still on vacation so we have not been able to test the four footer. I just hope it is not over cooked by now. I hope to hear from him in the coming days so we can get an answer.

BTW, I am offering to sell John's address for a reasonable fee. He has a lot of very nice stuff to borrow))) Oh and I doubt he will notice the 40 tubes I took last night.
My recommended starting point would be the Vermeil from the source and the gold downstream. Both cables seem to have the same clarity, which tells me they neither one is altering the signal more than the other. The vermeil is a heavily gold plated silver wire. Because it is silver, it does carry with it some sonic signature of silver. I'm not referring to speed or dynamics, they both do that equally, I'm talking about the glaze or haze found with silver. The gold plating has reduced this to an acceptable level, but it's still silver.

The solid gold is the most neutral and natural sounding wire I found. So my advice would be use the Vermeil upstream and the solid gold downstream. It will be interesting to hear if Nutalla confirms this assumption.

Jade Audio
All I can add to the length discussion is I assume the length issue is in regard to whatever filter affect the dielectric, filler and shielding might have on the signal. If these attributes are having a large affect and the cables ability to transmit the signal, then I assume it is important to have the length as close to the length used to voice the cable. If however the combined affect of these materials is small, ie low dielectric value and low dielectric filler with no shielding, I can not see why a few feet of wire should matter.

All cables are basically a filter, having some relationship with the signal. The greater the detrimental value, the more length matters???

I'm just thinking out loud, I do not actually know the answers. Let's see what John and John learn, the two Johns (I'm not talking about a public restroom here) both use short length speaker cables. It would be easy; and now I'm sure mandatory for Jafox to do a side by side.

In fact, I will try and build a four foot set this week and see if Jafox can come over and do a listening test. It would be an interesting experiment, and this will help us not guess what will happen, but have some actual experience to add.

Thanks guys for the support,

Jade Audio, LLC
Hello everyone. It has been awhile since I have written anything about Jade Audio.

I am very excited about this spring. We just launched a new website, please check it out at www.jadeaudio.com

I am just finishing up the development of a new entry level cable utilizing gold plated OCC copper and silver plated OCC copper. The one meter price will be very competitive. These will be very special affordable cables.

I personally am still waiting for a heart transplant. I am now number one on the list, so we are expecting to have good news soon regarding my health.

Otherwise, we launch our Reference line a year ago, and continue to have the Hybrid our top seller.

That's about all the news for now.

Hi all,

Please take a moment and check out the new Jade Audio website at www.jadeaudio.com or www.thejadeaudio.com

Let me know your thoughts and suggestions.
Hi Joe,

Thanks for the input. Yes I did design and build the site myself. The launch was a bit tricky, but I finally figured it out. There are a couple glitches, but hey...

Thanks always for your kind thoughts and prayers...

Thanks to the well wishers. I am very excited to get a new heart, I only pray that it is as successful as the LVAD heart pump I had implanted a year and a half ago. I have been feeling better than any time in the past 15 years!

The animals have always had one purpose, to make our website memorable. Over the past three years I had a website that abandon the bears after the first website was launched with the bears. I had virtually no comments about the website when it was traditional pictures of cables. With the bears integrated into cable pictures I have received what I was looking for, reaction.

I'm sorry and a bit saddened that the bears have turned you off Tpreaves. It's hard for me to imagine a web site turning you off enough to simple not try a great cable.

John, We still make the Vermeil. I felt strongly we needed an even more affordable entry level cable. Given the business strategy of so many cable companies to simply raise prices, I felt making something even more affordable would be a nice addition to Jade Audio.

Unfortunately due to the materials used in Jade Audio cables our base costs are extremely high. The only way to avoid the spiraling commodities pricing was to use a lesser metal, thus copper. I ended up with the gold plated copper as it provided the midrange and soundstaging our cables are known for. The silver plated copper provides the dynamics and transparency our cables have always excelled at. I think this is going to be a very popular for the person with a $5,000 - $10,000 system.