Jacksonville/NE Florida

NE Florida it is time to get together again and share this hobby in person.  The south Florida group seems to be getting better organized, Tampa and the Suncoast is active, and the Space Coast Audio Society is solid with monthly meetings.  We are organizing an event for a Sunday afternoon either this month or early March.  Food, fellowship and quality music reproduction.  Analog setup, digital streaming, tubes, SS, cables, tweaks, system synergy, ect.  This first of many future gatherings will be in Fleming Island/Clay County.  Please let me know if your would like to be on our email list and if you would like to attend.
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Nice to read about an Audio club in NE Florida. Hope you guys are meeting and having fun in our hobby.
Happy Listening!
Well May is upon us and I have not gotten any firm commitment for a hosted gathering, so I am going to volunteer a second time at my home. This time will be a little different. First I have a new upgraded preamp (I'm in love). Both the line side and phono side are working well in my system. This meeting is going to be an Analogue meeting. I am asking each member to bring one album to share. If you don't have vinyl (and we will have a future digital only meeting) request from someone something you would like and we can see if it is in the collection of one of our members.
We need to become better organized. To that end I have some forms with information that I would like to get filled out to get our communication database stronger. Also in that line I want to talk about moving our communication platform to something similar to "MeetUp.com". I think it may be a better platform to operate from. We do have some interested individuals for our group that will not use the private Facebook page.
Please review and be prepared to discuss:
The date for this gathering is Sunday May 20th
Fleming Island, FL

@bobspets1  Hello and yes there are a few of us here.  Formal group (NEFAS (North East Florida Audio Society) has a meetup group page but we have been a little inactive for the past year.  Hope you are well!