Jackie Gleason - wow

I'm in my late forties and grew listening mostly to pop/rock and a smidge of country through my parents.
About seven years back I became friends with a fellow audio nut. We help each other when we can. He's in his 60'and prefers jazz and big band music. I stopped by a Goodwill store and picked up two mint Jackie Gleason albums for him.
I swung by his place and played the LPs on his stereo. Wow!!!! I was really impressed. Some great band band music for sure. I was happy to get them for him but could have easily kept them for myself. Had no idea Mr Gleason was talented.
Live and learn.


Showing 1 response by mapman

Lots of great sounding recordings pre-dating The BEatles to discover out there in all formats. Post BEatles in genres other than pop/rock and country as well!

The local Goodwill store is a great place to look to sample things in an affordable manner that one might not ever hear otherwise. I stop by there regularly for just that reason. My discoveries are too numerous to mention....