iTunes download formats?

After digging around, I can find NO INFORMATION in iTunes Help on changing format for downloaded music from iTunes Store - is it fixed at AAC and 128kbps? HELP?
Ag insider logo xs@2xknownothing

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More digging. Sidssp is correct about DRM protection of standard iTunes files. Also, Apple has introduced another download format called "iTunes Plus" that downloads AAC files in 256kps format that are not DRM protected.

The good news is these "Plus" files definitely sound better than regular 128 kbps AAC files (but still not Apple "lossless" or AIFF level of content), and cost the same 99 cents as regular songs. You can find the link to the iTunes Plus page in the Quick Links box in the upper right hand side of the iTunes Store's home page.

The bad news is that only 90 albums of the iTunes inventory appears to be available to download in this new higher quality format. Apparently all other iTunes titles are currently only available as 128kbps AAC files. This is probably not a big deal if you principally download songs for use on your ipod. For use on pretty much any home HiFi system, I think you will notice a significant drop in quality compared with redbook CDs, or better.

I like being able to download individual songs. Are there other Internet venders that sell a wide selection of individual song titles available for download in higher quality/larger file formats (WAV, AIFF, lossless or similar)?
Thanks for the feedback and info. Interesting that iTunes "Help" has no references I can find regarding iTunes Plus downloads.

I am wrong about the number of albums available in iTunes Plus format, there are many more than 90, at least hundreds.

Blindjim, how exactly did you go about upgrading some of your existing inventory of titles to "Plus" format - did iTunes check your library and automatically offer to upgrade when you made a purchase? Were you prompted? Curious to see how I might do this.

What did you

Thanks, no need to send me the list - they have a lot of albums available in Plus format, but just none of the ones I have in iTunes. Most of my collection is on vinyl and CDs.

Apple changed their policy and now sells Plus format files for 99 cents a song. They do still charge a 30 cent per file upgrade fee to convert from 128 to 256.

Pschoi, I looked at musicgiants dot com, and it looks great. A lot of titles and individual songs available at $1.29 each for what they call "HD" format. Will experiment to see how well it works/performs.

Thanks again.