iTunes Apple Lossless Setting Mystery

Perhaps you can explain this peculiarity. I have my Import Settings set to Apple Lossless, and I use this whem ripping CD's or downloading from music sites. Yet when I am in my Library, and I right-click on a song, one of the options is Convert to Apple Lossless. When I choose that option, it looks like the song is being converted, based on what shows in the information bar on the top of iTunes. It shows time elapsed and conversion speed.

What is going on here? Have I not imported with Apple Lossless in the first place. Is there a duplicative conversion process going on? Anyone with an answer to this mystery? Thanks.


Showing 1 response by nglazer

Thanks to all. Mystery solved. Saves me a lot of time. And Audioesq, I discovered a similar trick. I right-click on the song in the Library and the info comes up.

