It was 44 years ago that...

Parlaphone released the Beatles 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'.
What other albums can be considered having as much impact, actually altering the direction of a music genre?

Showing 1 response by chazro

Owned a lot of 45's when I was a kid (I'm 57), and of course handled and heard my parents LP's but MY 1st 3 LP purchases were The Supremes Greatest Hits, Vanilla Fudge, & Sgt. Pepper's. It's hard to explain growing up with the Beatles to people that didn't. And I understand there are some folks here that aren't fans but the Beatles music was a world-wide phenomena for a reason.

Perhaps you've heard (I know I Have)the expression when speaking of a different artists particular recording; "...this was their Sgt. Pepper's...". I think that pretty much says it all!