It was 40 years ago today.....

40 days ago to the day I bought Sgt.Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and I remember we were floored listening to it that night. Tonight I will get out the ol vinyl copy, celebrate and "take the time for a number of things - that weren't important yesterday"...... this one for sure is and will always be!

Showing 2 responses by timrhu

Too lazy. You are correct though as far as emotional involvement. On the other hand, there are aspects the cd brings out such as Paul's gorgeous bass playing on "Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds" that aren't evident on the lp.
I've been thinking about listening to Sgt. Pepper all day! Even considering hooking up my turntable to listen to the vinyl copy I purchased sometime around 74 after wearing out the original lp I had in 68. Maybe I'll just listen to the cd while looking at the lp cover.
Oh the memories. I had a friend at the time who had come home for the summer in 67 from a private school in PA. He had a copy of SPLHCB that we listened to over and over.