It’s all a matter of degree

It may be stating the obvious, but each A’goner will have his own idea of how far he must go to satisfy his addiction.  To one member, enjoyment can be obtained with just a setup and no tweaks. Another will add a few or several and be satisfied.  Then there are those who must go on an all out quest for nirvana which may never be sated.

Which camp are you in?

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Combo platter for me. I chase every last ounce with weak links, changing component and/or mods of existing equipment, get it right, it remains relatively long term, on to next weak link.


At this point, I consider my amps, linestage, cables, loudspeakers,power conditioner, room treatments, AC solutions end game for me. Only vinyl and streaming setups subject to change. Closest to total end game system I've ever been.