It's a Soul Thang

My son and I have been on a now extended Soul music kick. Late 60's-mid 70's stuff, after some of the artists evolved from pop, before a lot of artists turned to disco, and way before what is now consider R&B. You know, Al Green, Aretha, Stevie, Gaye, Withers, Billy Paul, Mayfield, Temptations, Spinners..etc. Looking for some of the perhaps less obvious choices that folks enjoy that they'd like to suggest for fleshing out and expanding our collections! Thanks.

Showing 1 response by jsaah

Be sure to rent the film "Standing in the Shadows of Motown": a tribute to the "Funk Brothers"--the largely unacknowledged studio group that played on literally hundreds of classic hits, while being paid union scale. They literally defined the Motown sound, and it is quite remarkable to witness a small piece of their story. The bass player, James Jamerson, is one of the true masters of his instrument. This music makes my Meadowlark Blue Heron's jump for joy. On occasion, I've been known to join them!