It looks like a debate to me.

I'm more interested in hearing the viewpoints of people that have earned stripes in the audio industry rather than faceless hobbyists.  Am I alone in this?

Showing 5 responses by tomic601

Ralph - yes of course, three positions all incorrect. And they all measure different. RM like you was about learning, the RM9 evolved to MK2, so on. I think some of your  amps are on MK3.3 ?

 My reference amp has single ended output, 5 parts in the signal path, no emitter resistors, no global feedback , liquid cooling, analog circuits for bias and pump control , mechanical truss isolation, ten regulated supplies... and alas is as all things made by man, imperfect.
Erik - of corse there is a lot more than time and phase... pistonic drivers, low diffraction, impulse, energy storage in the cone and cabinet, reflections from the magnet structure, the list is long ... like a series and patents since 1977
And the ear brain is highly sensitive to time and phase... no debate there either... ha
Roger M RM-9 has 3 feedback settings so you can dial into what your ear brian likes in a 3D world....


me 2

i had it nailed as ego pissing g match

but then AKG said some well thought out stuff.... like why does my reptilian brain crave fifth order distortion in a 2d magazine cover ?