It is December 1, 2024 - Do you know where your Caladans are????

Anyone received their Clayton Shaw Caladans lately?   Speaker baffle supply was suppose to be in good shape starting sometime in November.

Coming up on 1 year since I placed an order for walnut Caladans.


7 days later, no bag of bolts has been delivered.  USPS has lost the shipment evidently because they show it never left OK City.

Went to Lowe's and bought eight 1/4x20 bolts to mount the leg braces.   Robbed the four GAIA feet off another speaker I already own that also used the 1/4x20 GAIA bolts (which are proprietary and can't be purchased at a hardware store) and got the speakers up and running.

They are still in the break in period in my workshop, 144 hours as of this morning. Clayton recommends 200+ hours. So far they sound amazing. I’ve got zero complaints about how they sound. Bass is excellent and highs are sparkly (I’m not good at describing sound, but know when it sounds good). Don’t think any subwoofer will be required once they are moved into the main system. For sure one is not needed in my workshop.

Ten days later, January 13, 2025, the bolts and nuts to attach the GAIA III feet arrive. Two day shipped via USPS on January 3, 2025, what a cruel joke our national post system is these days.

I ordered my pair of Caladans mid January 2024,they are finally on this months build list. Clayton disclosed around June of last year that his solid wood supplier for the speaker frame could not handle the volume of orders and was able to get a different supplier in August to start catching up.

Most of the backlog was from the initial buzz at end of 2023, beginning of 2024.