Issues with AudiogoN forum website, anyone?

A-goN'rs and A-goN Support,

I've been getting the following error on the AudiogoN forum section for the last couple of weeks:

" Application error

An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. If you are the application owner, check your logs for details."

This typically happens when I click on the "All Recent" or "Related to You" link under the BROWSE tab. I've experienced the issue on 2 different windows laptops and a Macbook, so it is not OS related. Seems like a web server issue as I'm not experiencing the same errors on any other websites.

Any other users experiencing the same? A-goN support, are you aware of any current issues? In my experience, I get the error about 50% of the time I try to switch to a different tab/link or click on a different forum post. If I back out and try it again, it usually works, but sometimes I have to try multiple times.


Showing 6 responses by reubent

AudiogoN Admin,

Thanks for the response. Glad to see you were already aware and are working on it. Feel free to close the thread, or delete it. Better yet, let us know when you feel the problem has been resolved and we can provide some real-world feedback to you.
Guys, I agree that it has been going on for a while, but it has gotten much worse, for me, over the last few weeks and especially over the last week or so.

Hopefully a fix is forthcoming. It's really annoying and I'll stop frequenting the forum as often if it doesn't get better.
@auxinput - response improved for me also this afternoon and when I got back in from meetings this evening it is still working well. So far, so good this PM today. Will be interesting to see if the issue re-appears tomorrow morning.

A-goN admin. Please let us know if/when you implement any fixes and we can provide real-world feedback on the results......

@jond - Same for me. Since last night things have been working very well. In fact, the forum website is responding blazingly fast for me today. Hope it stays this way. Makes for a much better user experience.....
@prof - Yep, I've started getting the error regularly again.

AudiogoN Staff - It's time to reboot the server again........ Or whatever you did last time to get things working normally without getting the "stuff happens" error all the time.....
I sent an e-mail to AudiogoN Support late last night. Got a reply from Tammy this morning saying they were aware of the issue and were working on it. She later asked me try again and let her know how it was going. Since that time, early this morning, everything has been working well for me.

I don't know what's causing the issue, or the resolution, but when it starts occurring, an e-mail to AudiogoN Support seems to get some attention on this issue, and a quick resolution.