Issues with AudiogoN forum website, anyone?

A-goN'rs and A-goN Support,

I've been getting the following error on the AudiogoN forum section for the last couple of weeks:

" Application error

An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. If you are the application owner, check your logs for details."

This typically happens when I click on the "All Recent" or "Related to You" link under the BROWSE tab. I've experienced the issue on 2 different windows laptops and a Macbook, so it is not OS related. Seems like a web server issue as I'm not experiencing the same errors on any other websites.

Any other users experiencing the same? A-goN support, are you aware of any current issues? In my experience, I get the error about 50% of the time I try to switch to a different tab/link or click on a different forum post. If I back out and try it again, it usually works, but sometimes I have to try multiple times.


Showing 2 responses by auxinput

yup past several days have been really painful.  I can't tell you how many times I have written out 3 paragraphs of text only to lose it when the "Post Your Response" button fails out.  I have started writing the post in MS Word and then copy/pasting to the forum so that I don't lose all that work! lol.

We all know the technical admins are working on the problem, and I totally understand that applications will sometimes have their issues (being in IT myself.).  I am not attacking audiogon at all and I'm glad that we have a place to do these discussions!