Issue with balanced connection between Schiit Skol Phono and Thorens TD-1601

I have a friend who just purchased all new Schiit Freya Plus preamp, Schiit Skol phono stage, Thorens TD-1601 table, Ortofon Quintet Bronze cartridge and Wireworld Eclipse 8 XLR cables. His issue is only when using the balanced connection out of the table, into the phono stage and then into the preamp that he is having all kinds of noise, unclear sound, hashy sound, but everything is crystal clear with using the RCA connections between all.

He has used this system with and without a power conditioner and it does not seem to help.


This an easy fix but hard to unravel without knowing more about the Schiit gear. My guess is that the wiring between TT and phono is set up for SE operation such that the negative phase of balanced is seeing ground. This is assuming the schiit gear is balanced. If not then I’d say use SE connection.


Make sure the Skoll is in balanced mode.

From the Skoll manual see below:

''3 Input select. Press to select input, balanced or single-ended.''
