Isolation platforms for turntables

I am in searching process for buying one. My tt is very near to one of my speakers. I do not feel any disturbance in sound bit i like the idea of isolating my tt, any interference, and i think i will see benefits of this(dont ask why :) )

I found a lots of brands, lots of models, lots of diy ideas. Symposium, vibraplane, acoustic revive, hrs, sra, townshed many brand, many platforms.

I really like to know whoch one you are using and what benefits you have earned for your beloved turntable.

Showing 1 response by sksos1

Sorry 11flat6 regarding your compatibility problems with the passive Vibraplane. When I sell these units (now more than 6,000 sold world-wide) I never would sell a passive version to anyone that was going to use it with a linear tracking tonearm. I myself have owned the ET2 tonearm and know what you are talking about.

(Dealer disclaimer)