Isolation Feet Upgrade

Happy Holidays!
I recently upgraded my Ayre QB9 to its Twenty status and bought a Bryston BDP Pi. Everything’s sounds good but if I could slightly increase bass and warmth I’d be even happier. My thought is to replace the ASR power cable to a Cullen Crossover II and by adding more silver into the power cord, that I’d increase warmth that way. The second tweak would be to replace the Herbie's Tenderfeet but am not sure what would constitute an upgrade. I have read claims however that certain brand names will increase bass response. I remember the time I replaced the stock feet on my QB9 in 2011 and how surprised I was by the improvement in clarity and detail. Am I just chasing my tail with these tweak notions or can I really tailor my equipment into a slightly more preferable sonic signature. Price point is always a factor.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Showing 11 responses by lowrider57

My findings as well, it's not a one tweak fits all. These different footers that I keep trying have a trial period and can be returned.

 @nonoise .
It's funny, after going to your link I remembered I tried them a few years ago. I put them under a heavy amp and they completely compressed. So I would need footers that have weight ratings.

But thanks for the reply.

I listen to mainly classical as well; symphonic, quartets, quintet's, trios.
The price of the EVP's is there somewhere, I think it's $45 each. I'm using 3 under my preamp and will buy another set soon. I've replaced all my Herbies Tenderfeet.

When I mentioned how much bass is now revealed, it's because other footers I was using restricted or softened the low-end. With the EVP's and DH Cones I now hear what the engineer intended. They're not expensive and now I hear the dynamics that were recorded. My system was always bass shy. 
Now if i could only get the bottom octave without adding a subwoofer.

Hi @goofyfoot , hope all is well. I agree with your plan, add the Cullen first. I have 3 Crossfires in my system now plus a Cullen C7 for my Node2i. All present open sonics with very good low-end performance.

Highly recommend the Crossover II. The combination of silver and copper provides neutral to warm sonics with detail, realism, and a good low-end. 
Herbies Tenderfeet provide warmth (which I consider colouring the sound) and they also rob the component of deep bass extension and slam.

I use DH Cones for isolation. They're placed under the component chassis and require some type of platform or vibration free shelf. The different type of cones can provide levels of warmth, but all help create a open, transparent sonic signature.

Stillpoints are always highly recommended, I think they avoid adding any warmth.

I just discovered EVP's from AV Roomservice and am very pleased with their isolation ability. They impart no sonic signature into the music, they are as transparent as I've heard in my system. The bass comes through deep and tight.
 They can be placed under the stock footers or the chassis onto any surface.

The EVP's work well, very transparent.
I found out about them on a recent thread and ordered a set for my preamp. Now I'm going to order another set.

I just checked the AV Room Service site and the EVP's have doubled in price. Now I'm thinking about trying the Iso Acoustics under my power conditioner. It weighs about 80 pounds and I'll need four.

Can anybody recommend a set that will work and not compress under heavy weight?

I also have a set of Bright Star Isonodes, I used them for awhile. I found they worked well under lightweight components. Overall, I preferred Herbies Tenderfeet.
Of course, YMMV.

Actually, I think they may be a good footer for my Node2i.

Yes, I have a set of the Cardas Myrtlewood. When used under a component, they present no colouration. However, they are highly influenced by the surface they sit upon, IOW if the shelf or platform is a hardwood such as bamboo then the sound becomes lean and the highs are emphasized. If they're on a soft wood, the sound is warmer and the attack is slower. 
I tried them under different components and was never happy with the sound. I don't think they drain vibration or provide isolation. I moved on to other footers and maple platforms.