Isolation Advice Needed

Hello, moving to a new home later this summer. The new house has suspended floors (wood over crawl space). No noticeable bounciness or floor deflection but so far I've lived in homes with concrete floors, so walking on the floor was subconscious activity. In the new house my steps are louder when I walk. So not sure what to expect when I setup my system in the new house.

I have all tube system housed in a Salamander rack. Any forewarning of unwanted vibrations creeping into the system and ways to mitigate them is greatly appreciated.


Current System...

Rega P6 (Audiomods Series VI/Shelter 501)

Aesthetix Rhea Sig. tube Phono

Graaf GM-50B Tube integrated

Wilson Benesch ACT Speakers (with Gaia II feet)


Best Regards




Showing 15 responses by livin_262002

Apologies for a delayed update but was busy with the move and travel. I'm very happy to report that Townshend seismic corners are working amazingly well. Just make sure you get the right load rated cells. I can jump near the rack but TT doesn't skip a beat. John Hannant of Townshend Audio worked with me to make sure I ordered the correct load cell rating.

Thank you all, placed an order for Townshend isolation corners. Will report back when I have them installed.


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@antigrunge2 Thank you. Seismic sink is no longer offered but I'm leaning towards seismic isolation corners to isolate whole rack, especially one that houses the TT and tube electronics. They are not cheap but I can't seem to find anything else that's reasonably priced.


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@antigrunge2  Thank you for the suggestions. I'll look into both. I'd have thought Svelte shelf would go under components and BR pads under speakers :). Thank you for complimenting my speakers and amp I really like the combination. Graaf did make world class components, sad they shutdown. I'm sure your GM-20 sounded fabulous. GM moniker was assigned to a selected few components.


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@jerrybj Thank you for seconding BR pads. I’ll give them a try under my amp, phono and turntable.


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@whart Thank you for sharing your experience. My house is brand new so no give in the floor but just that I’m not used to non-concrete floors. I still feel there’s going to some amount of floor vibration, be it be from speakers or people walking. I want to avoid those as well. Hence the request for suggestions.

My set-up is on the first floor. Thought about wall shelf but listening room has no load bearing walls so not sure how sturdy the shelf is going to be.

I’m intrigued by both minusk, how well does it stop floor borne vibrations?



@audioguy85 Thank you for the suggesting vibrapods but again no data on how well they stop floor borne vibrations. My phono stage already has HRS nimbus feet from factory but I’d still like to pace it on an isolation platform.


@jerrybj are you sure you’re going to get them back ?🙂


Here are the suggestions from you all so far ...


1) Symposium svelte

2) BR pads

3) MinusK

4) Vibrapods


Best Regards


The equipment I listed in my original post are only the ones that I thought were VERY sensitive to vibrations. I have the following additional components ...


1) Tandberg TD20A SE (Reel-to-Reel)

2) Tandberg TCD-3014A x 2 (Cassette decks)

3) Oppo BDP-105

4) Sony 75ES DAT

5) Genesis Digital Lens

6) Benchmark DAC

7) ExactPower EP15A


@whart Active air suspension, as you aptly pointed out, might leave table in an uneven profile for a short time while it tries to adjust. MinusK seems to be a better all-round solution, if needed.

@steakster Thank you, did research those too. All footer suggestions are great for electronics just have to choose the right one for mine. OTOH, for TT I'm looking for a future proof solution.

@jerrybj Lol

@henry53 Thank you, I have been researching those as well. I did get a video of the crawl space and as @noromance hinted, there are concrete piers with smart jacks at regular spans (8 ft apart) under girders. So the floor is not bouncy but given the empty space (crawl space), I can see vibrations can amplify and travel along the floor.

@elliottbnewcombjr  Thank you for a detailed explanation of your solution. The floor has no bounce at all (at least for now), My main concern is what I explained above. Love your JVC TT though.


@oldaudiophile Thank you for the insight and suggestions, I'm yet to decide on the furniture for the room. Not sure what the mrs will want to put in there :). My older kid loves to dance when I have the music playing so that's the other reason why I've been researching. I might go for a heavier TT later this year so what ever isolation solution I decide on has to be future proof.

I agree, I should wait until I make my decision but wanted to get some great suggestions in advance so I have enough data when its time. 


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@oldaudiophile wall mount is a no-go, no load bearing wall to not sturdy. I really like the P6, especially with the new Audiomods tonearm. I have a soft corner for vintage Tandberg gear, specifically their magnetic players. Have accumulated a lot of spares and learnt how to on these machines to keep them going. Had a Revox PR99 MKII but Tandberg beat is in SQ. Both are high speed 2-Tr machines.

@retiredfarmer good idea but I don’t think I’m allowed to 🙂

@o_holter Thank you, that’s one of the backup solutions

@goose Thank you, Townshend podiums and isolation corners look very interesting. Will do more research. The demo video is impressive.

@4krowme No floor bounce at this time and there are piers under girders at 8ft spans.


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@slaw  Thank you. I had the same thought. I'll probably go with F (flat) type, the spikes on my rack are removable.


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@astolfor ​​​​@noromance  thank you both for nobsound recommendation, will check them.


Best Regards 

@stringreen  my system is on the ground floor but the house sits on raised foundation so there's vibration issues. That's where Townshend seismic corners are helping. I'll be working on room treatments soon. So far I like the way my system  system sounds but the room is a bit lively so will have to tame it via room treatments.


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