Isolating Digital Noise, need help.

I'm hearing noise from my ARC CDP thru my speakers presenting as a high frequency "whine" or "soft screeching." I need to isolate my digital from the AC line it shares with my analogue components. Running another dedicated line is not an option at this time.

I was wondering if a power strip with isolated receptacles, such as star-grounding, would be an alternative to a separate AC line.
As a test, I now have the CDP connected to a different outlet in my house and the noise thru my system is eliminated.

Would this type of power strip be an effective solution, and if so, I could use some recommendations. I have several layers of Blue Circle power conditioning, so I would need a strip with surge/EMF/RFI protection.

Showing 2 responses by tbg

lowrider57, I think that others may have already suggested what I would do first. 

Disconnect the interconnects from the amp and turn it on, If there is no noise, it is something upstream. If it still hums it is the amp, of course. 

Next add the line stage with both it and the amp on. If it doesn't hum, it is the line stage. If still no hum it is one of the sources. 

If it doesn't hum with one source but not the other, well you know. I think  you may have already done this and suspect the digital source. I would put a cheater plug on the amp if you find it is the digital source. If no hum with the cheater, you have ground loops. I would use cheaters on everything except the line stage.
Do you get any noise when only the amp is in the system and on, of course?