ISOCLEAN: is anything better in pw conditioning?

except rewire house. cant do that. need it portable.

Is this system worth it?
there is a new 3030 mark IV? anyone know if it better than III. costs about 1K more.

any info would help.

Showing 1 response by jeffb28451

I have about $12K in Isoclean stuff. Two 3030 IIs and 60 and 80 amp conditioner, filters. ATI's, then other filters that I didn't like, I went to Shunyata Hydra I and Hydra II to "V" Hydra, I left Shunyata (good stuff) to this, which is just fabulous (in my system).

I remember that there was some comment that the 3030 III was better than the II, but it only included, I think, better potting around the transformer. Don't know about III to IV changes.

Anyway, for rich guys who had to have the latest, as a bottom feeder, this change from II's to III's made a target rich environment for older II's. That's the only reason I could afford to check out this stuff unheard. It was a real risk, but it worked out.

I wish I could afford the Super or better AC cords, but as it is, this is the stuff. I am a gear dilitante, a total slut with no loyalty to many pieces of equipment, but have absolutely no desire to change this stuff out. My system is susceptable to hum: I have 105 db efficient speakers, a tube phono pre and 45 tube amps. I've heard it said that 45 tubes are notoriously "hummy". Nope.

I do have dedicated lines but I had those b/4 the Isoclean stuff.

Expensive and maybe some less expensive or extravegant appearing stuff is as good, (God know, I haven't tried them all) but I'm done with this particular search for protection/filtration/isolation. (NB, if you find a real good buy on 3030 IV's, let me know! :) YMMV