Isoacoustic isolators Vs Daedalus Audio did isolators

Title says all. Anyone compare these two and what types of equipment used? Looking for feedback on use with a variety of audio sources; amps, preamp, CD players, phono amps, etc., and any fidelity changes; good, bad, or indifferent. 
The both seem like good products. Thanks in advance. 

Showing 1 response by mijostyn

audioquest4life, if vibration effected electronic devises our military jets and vehicles would be in big trouble. 
The best solution is a sturdy enclosed cabinet. I personally do not like open racks and I do not put my equipment any where near the speakers except the mono amps but they are separated from the speakers by a 15" floor. They are on a shelf up against the ceiling in the basement below. 
If your system is on a concrete floor more vibrational energy travels through the air and none of these devices protect equipment from that. An sturdy enclosed cabinet will to some degree.