IsoAcoustic Gaia III with Focal Sopra 2

I purchased the Gaia III from upscale audio for use with the focal sopra 2 speakers. 
Is it possible to thread these into the Sopra 2's? The thread size seems much too small. It looks like a thread large enough for the Sopras would be too large to fit in the Gaias. 
I have an email into IsoAcoustic as well so will post those results when I hear but thought I'd ask the community here too their experience since it seems very many have the Gaias.

Showing 1 response by audiosaurusrex

I have the Gaia ll’s and I thought the same but they come with 3 thread sizes. Metric 8, 1/4”, and Metric 6. The 6 seemed small but fit my Spatial M3 Sapphires. I would imagine one of the threads would work. The Gaia literature even has Focal speakers pictured.