Isn’t the forum to post reviews of gear you have experience with?

So I joined this forum in 2006 because I value others opinions. But in a recent thread @kuribo states the following below…. Personally I value everyone’s opinions especially in different types of systems and rooms. Yes it’s just an opinion. But to me it’s useful. Am I wrong to think that?
Copy and paste from @Kuribo

“How do you define "superiority"? Of course all you have read here are subjective opinions because the vast majority of people here either believe their opinion actually has relevance to those besides themselves or they believe the opinions of others have relevance to themselves.”


Showing 1 response by bigkidz

Blind testing has nothing to do with anything.  IMO either you hear a difference - hopefully significant or you don't.  If you don't hear a difference that you prefer in your own system, then move on.  We have a simple rule when we demonstrate our components, if you do not hear a significant difference within 30 seconds. just send it back to us.

Happy Listening.