Is VTA and SRA the same thing?

Hi Audiogoners.
I understand ther refer to Vertical Tracking Angle and Stylus Raking Angle.
What I would like to know is are they the same thing? I mean, every time we change the VTA, let say 1degree, then the SRA will change the same 1 degree?

Showing 4 responses by mijostyn

Modern cartridges are very well made. You set the VTF to the manufacturer's recommendation then raise or lower the tonearm until the arm is perfectly parallel to the record. This will give you both the correct VTA and SRA. Trying to set SRA by viewing the stylus is a ......difficult way to proceed even if you have loops and a micro protractor.  
Cleed, excellent geometry. If you think things sound better a little off parallel knock your self out. All my cartridges are have very small fine line styli. Moving off parallel only make things sound worse so I don't bother any more. It could be psychological as I have no way to AB it. There you are. Oh, I am a neurotic perfectionist. I is usually not a fun trait.
Fortunately Atmasphere I have not seen an incorrectly mounted stylus for a long time. I always view a new cartridge under magnification to make sure the stylus is generally in the right position and shape before I mount it. In the old days, late 60's early 70's one in three cartridges would have an incorrectly angled cantilever or wacky stylus. Hopefully this is not going on with today's inexpensive cartridges. The more expensive cartridges have been excellent in my experience. 
Cleeds, the article is interesting but as Ralph says no record is exactly the same so all we can do is shoot for the best average. But what is that/ How do you find it? By ear? I doubt it.