Is Vinyl Worth It

Great cartoon in this week's New Yorker magazine. Has a caption: 'The two things that really drew me to vinyl were the expense and the inconvenience'. Sounds familiar.

Showing 4 responses by mapman

Like most things, only to some.

Top 10 Reasons it may be (in honor of David Letterman's retirement):

1) you already have a lot of records you want to listen to.
2) you want to get a lot of new music to listen to on a budget, ie used records in good condition for not much each wherever and whenever you find it.
3) many vinyl releases have unique good quality sound that can't be had elsewhere
4) you just like turntables and records for whatever reason
5) there are many older recordings still only available on records
6) you can touch and hold and read record covers without a magnifying glass, especially if you are older
7) You feel better buying expensive new records than CDs or other modern media sources.
8) you like to touch and feel and turn over records every 20 minutes or so
9) records breathe... oh no wait that's actually surface noise and hiss
10) theres nothing more satisfying than a perfectly and I mean perfectly aligned and configured phono cartridge.
Anyone who wants to know how good a recording can sound at home has to audition a high quality open reel tape source played on a SOTA home setup, like a good MBL installation and compare that to 331/3 vinyl and CD. It will be an eye opener. Then an eye closer when you realize how few recordings are available and what a PITA an open reel tape device is.

The good news is digital is starting to challenge that old but PITA reference standard and will continue to close teh gap as time goes on.

Records ain't going anywhere uniquely new or better. Most new ones these days come from digital masters anyway so no real benefit there.
Everytime I acquire a newer piece of quality digital gear. The more my historic fondness of vinyl becomes less of an issue.

My advice to newbies is sample the latest and greatest digital gear available if you have the funds before going retro. Unless retro is just your thing. I am a hybrid. I like it all.
Monumental day in the Mapman household today.  My 14 year old daughter decided she wanted to play records and learned to do it today on the $70 Innovative Technology suitcase turntable she researched and found.   Its a nice little gadget for kids.   Nicely put together and featured for the minimal cost.  Seems to work well.  Even has Bluetooth to play from phones and an aux in.  Reminds me somewhat of the first record player I had as A kid a much larger and heavier Motorola suitcase record player with foldout speakers which was a significant expenditure 50 some odd years ago in my parents house.   She loves music and plays violin.  Maybe a budding audiophile. 😍