Is vinyl still a "perfect" source?

I'm after your thoughts on this one...
Recently I've started thinking about getting back into vinyl as a source, but nowdays an LP is no longer a true representation of the original analog studio sound as it used to be, since 99% of recordings these days are done digitally in the first place. That of course means the music has to go through a DA converter before becoming a record, which I assume means some of the original analog sound is gone.
Have any of you noticed a loss of recording quality in vinyl over the past few years because of this?

Showing 1 response by chadnliz

Perfect? Sure is..... if you can find the titles you want, can put the time and money into setting it up and maintaining it correctly, can get past the spoils of digital convenience, but if you can deal with all these concerns it can sound fantastic and it sure is cool to own, collect and play vinyl!