Is using an Apple Computer a weak link...?

Hey Guys - 

So here's what I'm thinking.....

What I have Now:
  • Aurender A10 
  • Gryphon Diablo 300
  • Sonus Faber Serafino Tradition Speakers

What I'm thinking of getting:
  • Denafrips Terminator Plus with Gaia Digi to Digi Converter
  • Dedicated Apple LapTop connected via USB to the Denafrips
  • I can run Tidal - Qubuz and Roon, etc. from the LapTop configuring output to the highest resolution

Denafrips Terminator Plus:

Denafrips Gaia:

The Reviews are pretty gorgeous for the money - But I won't be able to listen to it all until I un-box it all and set it up. A risk for sure....but then a lot of fun...! 

Is using the apple computer a weak link...?

Thanks for your advice...!


Showing 2 responses by audiotroy

mahler  a dedicated server can be designed from the ground up  for one purpose to extract a  pristine digital signal to a dac this is accomplished through both hardware and software utilization

we import one of the best lines of servers from Europe:

432 EVO Music Servers | High End Digital Audio Streaming | Roon Core | Upsampling & Bit Perfect - 432 EVO Music Servers | High End Digital Audio Streaming

if you look at their designs they are far more sophisticated then a simple computer with an external linear power supply

the Evo"s higher end models  all separate the main cpu board from the soundcard and clock board

theses critical boards are powered independently to keep noise from jumping into the usb output 

they use a low noise cpu.

they use a custom liux kernal that was written to minimize jitter the os actully  loads  Roon"s  operational procedures onto its own cpu core where other cpu related tasks run on  their  own core.

dave and troy
audio intellect NJ
us importers 432EVO music servers

mahler we have tested mny dedicated streamers vs a pc the streamers always sounded  better

it is the fact that these are dedicated is why they perform better