Is this when you have "arrived??"

Just had a guest leave my house after a quick early morning listening session.
Only 4 album sides, the last of them being Tales of Mystery and Imagination Alan Parsons.
Towards the end of the first part, he was making the couch shake. I looked over.

He was crying. (Not because his ears hurt)

He was ashamed. This is the second time this has happened to me, but the first time without "enhancements" being involved.

Have I arrived at true high end?

Showing 2 responses by jndean

Gumbydammit. I think you should cut Ghosthouse some slack. He simply said that music played on even a less perfect system can still evoke joy and tears because it is music. I am sure that hearing it more clearly will more likely produce that response than if it is heard on less synergized systems. Your friend may not have issues. He just may be emotionally willing to let the music sweep him away. I can cry when Eddie Fisher sings "Oh My Papa" or the Hollies sing "He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother" or Madeleine Peyroux sings Leonard Cohen's "Dance Me to the End of Love." And then there is Hiliary Hahn's play of Vaughan Williams "A Lark Ascending". Tears because of the beauty.
I think you have arrived because, if it is reproduced well, that is all the better and even may be the key to releasing the full emotion... but I think like Ghosthouse that it's ultimately about the music.