You might try Rothwell attenuators. My own preamp has quite a lot of gain and the Rothwells give me more room on the volume control and I think, a slightly quieter connection to my amps.
Is this preamp mod to reduce gain advisable?
I have an expensive preamp and have this option from the (small) manufacturer to do this to reduce the gain:
" re-wire the input transformer, which would give a 6dB drop in gain. It is fairly major surgery (requires some cuts and re-wiring on the PCB) but it can be done."
Would you do this, or is it too much risk?
" re-wire the input transformer, which would give a 6dB drop in gain. It is fairly major surgery (requires some cuts and re-wiring on the PCB) but it can be done."
Would you do this, or is it too much risk?