Is this Placebo or something real?

Recently I purchased three Nordost Sort Kones and put them under my Elite SACD player. When I first brought them home I spent a few days doing A/B comparisons and was convinced that I could hear a distinct different. One of the downsides to the Sort Kones was the fact that they are a metal on metal support that makes pushing buttons on the SACD player difficult. In an effort to make sure that it wouldn't fall off of the supports I put some foot corn pads (i.e. foam donuts) on the underside of the SACD player to give the kones a "bumper" to limit the possible movement. I made sure the pads were not touching the kones, but after installing them I was never convinced of the difference in sound quality when doing A/B comparisons. Today I took the pads off and it appears that the magic is back. I know that there is some level of vibration damping from the pads, but is it really possible for it to direct the vibrations around the Sort Kones or is this a negative placebo defeating a positive placebo? I won't be putting them back on anytime soon, that's for sure.

Showing 1 response by photon46

I've no experience with the Nordost product, but I've had a similar experience with Boston Audio's Tuneblocks under my SACD player. I didn't need to do any A/B-ing comparisons with those, it immediately was as obvious as could be that the footers were having a good effect on playback. Sometimes tweaks are a placebo, sometimes it's very much for real. FWIW, I've also improved digital playback by applying vibration damping sheets to various parts of cd transports. I've even seen articles detailing the application of little sandbags to various parts of DACs in the never ending search for ultimate performance.