Is this okay with you?

Are you okay with this? We report, you decide.

Got a letter the other day from the Washington State Department of Health.

“The disciplining authority received and reviewed a report alleging you committed unprofessional conduct.”
Huh. Never in 15 years anything like this before.

“This report was closed without an investigation or disciplinary action, as the report did not meet the threshold which may include communication or personality conflicts, isolated incidents…”
Etc, etc. Something so obviously bogus they dismissed it out of hand. At least they let me know it will not even go on my record. But, still….someone is going after my job. This. Is. My. Living.

Got another letter yesterday as well. This one from “Phil”, scribbled and with no return address, postmarked Richmond, VA.

Everyone I talked to about this urged me to go public, among other reasons to see if those people named below truly are involved. Assuming they even will admit to it if they are. I am posting the entire letter below verbatim so everyone can see and decide for themselves how they feel about this.

Mr. Miller, aka Chuckie,
You are an internet terrorist. You are also a racist, a bigot, a narcissist, dreadfully obnoxious, self centered, egotistical, pompous, condescending, a demented sociopath, and a complete ass. And these are your better qualities. Do make sure to share this letter with your spouse. But, I digress.
Why have I written to you? Well, to advise you of the following.
Sir, you may have a hate list, but the FBI has their own lists, and be advised, you may now be on it. You may find some perks, like being banned from websites. And even better, you may be asked to walk to your next destination instead of flying. Yes, this list.
You may have noticed recently that your posts are not getting much f a response. This is because others have had ti with you. You are trouble. You seek trouble, You create trouble. You revel in trouble.And some may even see you as dangerous. I certainly do.
Chuck, seek help. You are sick/demented! Quite. You have a mental disorder that keeps you from even realizing the trouble that you may now be in, or recognizing the harm that you cause and have caused others.
Laugh it off. Go ahead. I could care less, just like you say that you could care less. But, you will.
I find no humor whatsoever in your horrid evil posts, under the guise of pretending to be helping others. Your kind of help is not needed.
And, actually, indeed, I do care. This is why I am writing this, as well as advising you that your activities online have been brought to the attention of local, regional and national authorities. Trust me on this.
I could ask that you curtail your terrorist activities and postings. This, I fear, will never happen. You may be able to hear well, but your sight is failing.
So, allow me to lead the blind. You are in deep shit. Apologies for my language, but you are now in the toilet, and it is about to be flushed. Here’s some toilet paper. Wipe your shit off, or it will be wiped off for you.Bad move to mess with New Yorkers.
Oh, and you can expect to hear from the medical board for practicing medicine without a license. The have also been advised of your unethical, incorrect and damaging medical advice posted online ad nauseam.
I trust that you have recently seen the abundance of posts and threads being removed from Audiogon. You may blame others, but others blame you! Audiogon mods are wise to your B.S. as well, and have been for some time. And, even Audiogon does not wish to be sued due to your horrid personal behavior. And at this point, they are aware of the fact that this could happen. Free speech does not apply to internet terrorists. You!
The next knocking that you hear on your front door may be Mitzi Johanknecht to serve you papers, even though she is being asked to resign.
Why? Well, in a word,…..”damages”. This letter serves to advise you of your culpability.
Feel free to post this online. I dare you. There are laws agains hate crimes, and this would mean you. You act with criminal intent, and criminals belong in jail, and it’s quite thard to rebuild crossovers in jail.
You are sick. Seek help. Oh, and I saw your last post about me.
And I also saw that you edited out the insults. This tells me that you are well aware of what you are doing and that you know that it is wrong. Be aware of the fact that I know what I am doing as well, and it is far from wrong. So, wake the f—k up, Chuck! Your reign of terror is coming to an end!!!
And as long as I am still on Audiogon, you can expect for me to keep an eye out for you. I am documenting all of your B.S.
Your friends, not….
Oh, and by the way….fix your fence, It looks crappy.
All the best,
I created a new Systems page so everyone can see for themselves, just in case anyone thinks I am making this up.

So now, admin informs me some of these individuals have already been banned. The rest of you, very interested to know the extent of your involvement, and how you feel about being involved in this. 