Is this for real?

After flipping through the latest Musical Direct Catalog last night I saw some "system disc" products. Prices ranges from $19.99 to $109.99. These discs are suppose to send some sort of demagnetizing frequencies to clean out your system (speakers, components, and cables).

Has anyone tried these products and do the work? I wonder what will they think of next?

Showing 1 response by nonoise

I use the Ayre Irrational But Efficacious! CD to do it's work on my system.

It doesn't claim any demagnetizing features but uses brown, white and pink noise tracks in stereo, mono, in and out of phase, as well as full glide tones that cover the entire frequency on quick and slow tracks.

Using it occasionally has the same results as what's been claimed here: open, clear and clean sound with better dynamics and performance in all areas. It's like throwing a bucket of cold water on a sleeping animal to wake it up and get it moving (not that I'd do something like that).

All the best,