Is this a audioquest cable counterfeit fake?

I purchased a Diamond Audioquest USB cable here from a seller and I received is nothing like my audioquest diamond cable. The packaging was also different from the one in the listing.

The packaging does not look or match any of my other audioquest packages.

I've highlighted everything in red for comparison.

Anyone want to give their thoughts on the matter?


I just purchased a cart from him. Dude is fantastic. It was overnited from Hong Kong and I didn't ask nor pay for it. My second purchase from him and he's flawless. Be careful jumping to such broad claims. 

If it's a fake Cut it open and let's see the guts, if your really sure it's a fake what's it matter! My AQ coffee I bought from Best Buy, only because They gave me a huge CC one time looked just like the Diamond did in that unboxing video. Maybe the seller didn't know he had a fake! Either way he should've excepted a return, why risk a negative FB. I wouldn't bought it without him taking returns.

Also a fellow could swap out a real one for a fake and try to send it in, works both ways. I'm not implying you did that but I'm sure it's happened before somewhere like the turntable guy awhile back after 30 days he was scammed when the buyer said it was damaged.

OP said “they are selling fakes. It is obvious the cable is phony.” Another post he said the cable is “worthless.”  I think he is jumping to preconceived conclusions without first getting the facts and disrespecting an Audiogon seller with lots of positive feedback vs OP with no feedback prior to this transaction.  He should send the cable to Audioquest to authenticate and if cable turns out to be fake, then he has a case.  A couple of years ago, I bought AQ Colorado cables (no box) from a seller on this platform and when I got it and compared to a pair I already owned, they sounded like crap and my first initial reaction was these are fake.  I worked with the seller and we agreed to have AQ authenticate and he would refund if indeed they were fake.  AQ authenticated as genuine. So, all was good on both parties. 

So based on what I have read so far here is my conclusion.

Agree with seller that both negative postings will be deleted If:

1. The seller will let you send the cable (at your expense) to AudioQuest and if they agree it is fake, he will refund your money. Minus your shipping cost.

2. If the cable turns out to be genuine then you will post so on this thread and let the seller know that you are satisfied.


I would not assume its fake based on packaging. I have many Vodka ethernet cables, all purchased from authorized dealers, packaging not exactly the same for all.