Is there such a thing...

as an KT88/6550 based tube that sounds similar to the midrange of an 845 tube? I was listening to a friends setup that uses the Unison Smart 845 amp and was blown away by the midrange. Is there any way I can come close to this sound without buying a 845 based amp and high efficiency speakers? More specifically, what 6550 based tubes, interconnects, etc.

Take a look at my updated system and tell me what you think.

Showing 2 responses by herman

The overall sound comes from the combination of all his components, not just the 845 tubes. What speakers does he have? What is the rest of his system.
The specs on your speakers are not that much different than his. Can you try his amps in your system?

I doubt you get the same sound with a push-pull pentode amp vs. an SET amp like his.

FYI the impedance of your speakers is unrelated to how loudly you play them. It varies with the input frequency but not the power.