Is there such a thing...

as an KT88/6550 based tube that sounds similar to the midrange of an 845 tube? I was listening to a friends setup that uses the Unison Smart 845 amp and was blown away by the midrange. Is there any way I can come close to this sound without buying a 845 based amp and high efficiency speakers? More specifically, what 6550 based tubes, interconnects, etc.

Take a look at my updated system and tell me what you think.

Showing 2 responses by audiokinesis

I agree with Herman's suggestion that you give the Unison amps a try on your speakers if possible. Your speakers are certainly in the ballpark.

There are many 845-based amps that I'm not familiar with (the Unison being among them), but among those that I am familiar with I think there are several that would work well with your speakers, assuming you aren't looking for rock-concert SPL's.

There is more to it than just the tube, I'm afraid. Single-ended topology has sonic advantages over push-pull topology.

What are the efficiency and impedance (minimum as well as "nominal") of your speakers? Some 845 amps are specifically designed to work well with medium efficiency speakers.
