Is there any advantage to lower efficiency speakers? 87 or below?

Why would a speaker manufacturer go with a 87 or below sensitivity? Any advantages from a build standpoint? 

Showing 2 responses by audioconnection

A lot of meter readers types trying to figure it out end up chasing their tail
 If your concerned with fidelity why not ask your self
 Which speaker makes Johnny Cash sound most like
 Johnny Cash.?
This is meant not as a right or wrong thing but more of an observation
 as a recipe for success or consistancy.
It is not that speaker designers deliberately design low sensitivity loudspeakers but in order to seem natural or flat all drivers need to be padded to the one driver that is lowest as mentioned above.
 With cost effective means to look at breakup behavior of cones and domes available today one reason some designers end up with lower sensitivity is that speakers end up that way when using drivers that are breakup free in their passbands or range of operation.
  In most loudspeakers especially high sensitivity ones some of the apparent sensitivity is output from the random ringing of the cones.
 This definitely will smear the music fed to the speaker.
 Low wattage single ended tube amps definitely have a sonic signature and if that is preferred one has no choice.
 But for most of us higher power good sounding amplifiers are available  for reasonable money.